Results 16 - 20 of 7723 for metal* (0.0583 seconds)
Global Circular Economy of Strategic Metals (Bo2W) - Chapter Egypt [42.86% relevance]
Global Circular Economy of Strategic Metals (Bo2W) - Chapter Egypt Resource Fever by Öko … Title: Global Circular Economy of Strategic Metals (Bo2W) - Chapter Egypt Date: July 21st, 2014 … Name: Global circular economy of strategic metals - best-of-two-worlds approach (Bo2W) Topics … : Mineral resources and metals Go back Öko-Institut e.V., Download File ( … 'Global circular economy of strategic - 19.62 kB
Globale Kreislaufführung strategischer Metalle: Praxistest für den Best-of-two-Worlds Ansatz [42.86% relevance]
Globale Kreislaufführung strategischer Metalle: Praxistest für den Best-of-two-Worlds … : Globale Kreislaufführung strategischer Metalle: Praxistest für den Best-of-two-Worlds … Name: Global circular economy of strategic metals - best-of-two-worlds approach (Bo2W) Topics … : Mineral resources and metals Go back Öko-Institut e.V., Download File ( … 'Global circular economy of strategic metals - - 19.97 kB
Elektrofahrzeugrecycling 2020: Schlüsselkomponente Leistungselektronik [35.71% relevance]
Rückgewinnungsquoten auch für strategische Metalle ermöglichen. Neben dem Recycling der in der … absoluten Verlusten an strategischen Metallen verbunden ist, wurden bereits … Rückgewinnungsquoten von strategischen Metallen führt und ob dies auch ökonomisch … Deutschlands mit strategisch wichtigen Metallen aufgezeigt werden Die Ökobilanz dient zur … , TU Clausthal, Volkswagen AG und PPM Pure - 24.49 kB
New Article published about international cooperation for metal recycling from WEEE [35.71% relevance]
about international cooperation for metal recycling from WEEE Welcome to Resources … about international cooperation for metal recycling from WEEE 15th of February 2011 by … the article “International Cooperation for Metal Recycling From Waste Electrical and … Institut e.V., International Cooperation for Metal Recycling From WEEE … to facilitate efficient recovery of valuable metals, such as gold - 16.67 kB
Mineral resources and metals [35.71% relevance]
Mineral resources and metals On this page you find a list of Publiction … by Öko-Institut e.V. Mineral resources and metals Mineral resources are crucial for the … on the biodiversity and waste streams. Metals are essential for infrastructure (steel, … growing consumption of mineral resources and metals. Publications List Reports Presentations … , Öko-Institut e.V., Mineral resources and metals, - 181.39 kB
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